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the Apple tree


In 2017 I spent most of the year living in Bhutan, on a Fellowship with Filmmakers Without Borders. 


Most of my work was therefore teaching filmmaking to high school students and making videos with and for my two partner organisations, ELC High School and the Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy. 


It was a crazy busy year as I also took on work for other NGOs outside of Bhutan, so I was shooting and editing like mad all year. 


But I had a responsibility to make two short films for the Filmmakers Without Borders Fellowship, one narrative and one documentary. 


I haven't finished the documentary yet, I've got lots more editing to do, but I just finished this one, the narrative short, after shooting it one day in early December 2017. 


It was a crazy rush, trying to fit making this film in-between all the other work, so I wrote it in about an hour, then found the actors (one of my students and two of her friends) about a day before shooting, then we rehearsed for about an hour, and shot for about 3 or 4 hours. We got lost on the way to the location, which we had never been to before, and I spent about 45 minutes trying to attach the apples to a young pine tree. 


It didn't turn out how I had first envisioned it (I had wanted adult actors, different costumes, props and so on), but I think it turned out pretty well in the end, especially as the young actors did a really admirable job. 


I'd love to know what you think, you can send me a message via the contact page if you like. 


All the best, 



16 Feb 2018 


My name's Kim and I'm a writer, filmmaker and multimedia journalist. Welcome to my website,


If you've got a project you'd like me to work on, some ideas you'd like to discuss, or just want to say hi, I'd love to hear from you!


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